What is Búri?

Búri is my personal electronics project. I’m aiming to re-create a computer system which would be recognisable to an electrical engineer from the 1980s. I’m heavily inspired by systems such as the Acorn System 1 and Apple I for hardware design and the BBC Microcomputer for OS design.


Around Christmas 2014, I decided I’d like a new long-term learning project. I’ve always been interested in Software development but, until then, my knowledge of hardware design has been limited to say the least. I had fond memories of low-level programming the BBC Microcomputer when I was a youngster and wanted to re-create some of that with my more modern knowledge.

Having an ambitious goal is very motivating for me and it’s intellectually satisfying to “fill the gaps” in my knowledge from Silicon up to C.

How far along are you?

I managed to get a first version of the CPU board up and running. It’s got 8KB of EEPROM, 32KB of RAM and a 65C02 running at 2MHz. The CPU bus is exposed via some Arduino-like connectors and it’s got a somewhat over-spec’ed 5V regulated supply on it. The EEPROM can be programmed in situ via a “monitor” system which also allows for single-stepping and examining memory independently of the processor.

Separate to the CPU and monitor modules, I’ve got a working serial port module which, when combined with a FTDI USB-to-serial adaptor, allows for interaction with the computer and uploading programs via XMODEM.

I’ve got a version of Enhanced BASIC working on the system and have managed to compile, upload and run some C-code via the CC65 compiler.

I’m currently writing the OS and developing some peripherals for a “v2” board which will have some more on-board functionality.

Búri? Why the weird name?

I name all of my computers after mythological figures. When I was coming up with the initial design I was also, separately, learning Old Norse. It seemed fitting to name a computer which is aiming to be like the first home computer systems after the first Norse god.